
We're Still Thinking About the Guy Who Fumbled a Bag He Never Knew He Had

First off, we are fully aware that it is not college football season. Nevertheless, we thought it pertinent to share a clip of this Wake Forest football fan fumbling a bag he never knew he had. Wake Forest's athletics website claims that the Demon Deacons fumbled 13 times, and lost six of them last season. Those numbers should be adjusted to 14/7.

While talking to a girl, the Wake Forest fan turned his head forward just as she leaned forward, closed her eyes, and went for the kiss. It's a moment most guys would dream of, but either through savageness or obliviousness, this fan wasn't a simp. 

"She is pretty, he definitely fumbled HARD," @knap215boxeo commented. 

"Can’t fumble when you don’t even know you have the ball," @Curlyfuq responded. 

Hopefully the clip finds its way back to this fan in time for him to grab the bag and score. Or maybe he feels better on the sidelines. Or maybe he plays for the other team...


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