
Greedy Moms Slammed For Stealing Entire Bowl of Halloween Candy

Halloween is a day for the kids. At least it used to be. And as a kid who used to take the entire bowl of candy when given the chance, I know how hard it can be to resist pouring an entire bucket of Smarties into a pillowcase. 

I get it, I've done it, but also in my defense, I was only 10 years old. These moms don't have that excuse. I mean, for Christ's sake, their kids are right behind them. And they aren't even in costume! 

A video of two moms has gone viral after the homeowners released Ring camera footage of them pillaging their bowl of candy on Halloween. Now, you might ask, isn't being present at the door a good deterrent from people stealing all your candy before 8 P.M.? Yeah sure, but it is too much to expect trick-or-treaters, or better yet, their parents from being bad people? I guess so. 

If you're able to afford candy, then you have no right stealing an entire bowl left out for trick-or-treaters. 

Categories: Facepalm Wow

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