
Great, Another Doomsday Fish Has Washed Ashore

There’s been a few too many “end of the world” stories for comfort recently.

In any politically turbulent time, you’re gonna get a lot of Chicken Littles screaming about how the sky is falling. I get that. However, the number scares in recent days has been too high for me to be comfortable with the idea that the world is not, in fact, ending.

For example, scientists moved the Doomsday Clock to 89 seconds to midnight, the closest it’s ever been. Yes, that’s just some PR bullshit, but it’s certainly not helped by the fact that NASA just said our planet has a 1-in-32 shot of being struck by a city-destroying asteroid.

Even if you want to ignore the science, folklore isn’t looking too hot for us right now, either. Back in October 2024, an oarfish was found in Australia — which Japanese legend says is a bad omen. Now, it’s happened again, this time on the shores of Mexico.

I feel great!

Categories: Creepy

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