
Granny Is Fully Convinced She’s Talking to Robert De Niro on Facebook

Old people, God bless ‘em, aren’t always the brightest.

Although they certainly have wisdom to impart onto younger generations, observing an older person shows just how much the progression of age can occasionally wear away at one’s common sense. No, the man on the phone who wants you to buy Google Play gift cards from Target is not from the IRS, and no, that A.I.-generated image you saw on Facebook doesn’t prove that Jesus came back in the form of a shrimp.

This woman exemplifies this idea perfectly when she tells her friends and family, adamantly, that she’s been talking to Robert De Niro.

In reality, she’s talking to someone who runs something called “Robert DeNiro Page,” but that doesn’t stop her from doubling down on the fact that she’s spent weeks chatting with the star of Raging Bull.

On the off chance it *was* actually him, good for her.


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