
Grannie Has Balls of Steel

Some people are just tired. This would-be shoplifter in Canada, for example, seems exhausted by the world and whatever circumstances led him to try yoinking a full shopping of Doritos and other "necessities" -- too tired to even resist a Candian grandma as she starts unmasking him like a Scooby-Doo villain.

Grandma, on the other hand, seems tired too. Tired of headlines about crime and shoplifting -- too tired to care about the potential consequences of going after a literal criminal with about 100 pounds on her. For a lady her age, she's got some serious balls and surprising shoulder mobility, so kudos to her.

It's pretty wild how this unfolds and how much the guy doesn't seem to mind having his face recorded on pretty high-quality video. Douchebag as he might be, thankfully he didn't so much as raise as a finger in the old lady's direction. Or the cameraman for that matter. Maybe it's because he's Canadian?

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