
'You Can't Handle the Two You Have': Grandma Isn't Happy Her Daughter is Having a Third Child

This grandmother is less than pleased when she learns that her daughter is pregnant with a third child. "You Can't Handle the Two You Have," she says to devastating effect.

In what the mother and her husband presumably assume will be a wholesome video, they break the news to grandma that she will be getting a third grandchild. It turns out to be the last thing she wants to hear, and she chastises them for being poor parents of the first two, and likely realizes that this means even more responsibility will fall to her. This seems like a situation where grandma has been taking more than her share of the load, leaving the parents with a false sense of security to have a third.

Hopefully the parents can whip their act together and get the children under control. That, or grandma can take a long vacation far away from it all.

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