
Government Says the New Jersey Drones Were Authorized to Fly and That We Should All Stop Asking Questions

Don’t you know that this will just cause more questions?!

Since October 2024, people have been losing their minds over drones that were spotted in the airspace above New Jersey. While some of the sightings were stupid, there were a few that were definite head-scratchers, leading to a lot of totally normal people wondering what the hell was going on.

In the months following, the U.S. Government was entirely unhelpful about alleviating these people’s fears. First, they ignored it. Then, they said that people from New Jersey were just being annoying. Now, the new White House Press Secretary has put out a statement saying that the FAA knew exactly what those drones were and that we should all stop worrying about it.

Ma’am, I’m sorry, but we need to know more!


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