
‘Golf Cart Parade’ Ends in Old People Crashing Directly Into Each Other

And you *know* that they were all hammered.

There comes a time in every man’s life where he’s overwhelmed with the desire to move to Florida. Why spend another winter in the cold, dark Midwest when you could instead move to a place where the humidity makes going outside like walking into a soup? Sure, your kids aren’t going to visit you, but they don’t do that anyway after what you said at Thanksgiving. Plus, when you die, they don’t have to worry about selling your new home, because the whole thing will be underwater in a decade!

Given just how many people have this feeling, senior villages have popped up all around the state. One of those villages is called, well, The Villages, and it’s a place where old people drive around in golf carts giving each other STDs.

Typically, this is done while absolutely blitzed, and while I’m not saying that the people in this video were drunk, let’s just say that I don’t think this is the first time either of them have crashed a golf cart.


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