
Goal Disallowed after Hockey Team Has Entire Trophy Ceremony

YouTuber Jomboy gives us incredible analysis of one of the wildest endings to a hockey game we'll ever see.

We jump right into overtime of the Central Collegiate Hockey Association Mason Cup Championship game. This is it. For all the marbles. We have Bemidji State vs. Minnesota State for the championship.

After a breakaway, the MSU Mavericks win the game. Then comes the fan-fair. The trophy is lifted, the team picture is taken, stars of the game are announced. The players are even wearing championship hats.

Everyone leaves the ice, until...uh-oh. Instead of cutting away, the commentators say that they are keeping coverage of the game going. The goal is still under review. WHAT???

After further review, they eventually say that the net was dislodged, and the puck went under the net. NO GOAL.

That means the Zamboni comes back out, the players have to play AGAIN. After an entire trophy ceremony and celebration. Just an unreal turn of events.

It didn't matter too much though, as MSU scored again to win the championship (for real this time.) What an ending.
Categories: Wtf Facepalm Wow Fail Sports

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