
'Give Them a Raise': Construction Workers Fill Up Young Boy's Toy Dump Truck

They say never meet your idols, but when one young boy approached his with a small offer – that they fill his toy dump truck with dirt – hope was restored that our dreams can and do, come true. 

The self-actualized encounter was uploaded by @iwishicouldsleep along with the caption, "Literally tell me you've seen something cuter. I can't stop sending this to people." And with 16 million views, 20,000 comments, and two million likes, it seems many people agreed. 

"He gave that kid a core memory.,"  said Smelvo_twelvo

"Let’s normalize that the world is truly nothing like we see on the news every night." 

Let's just hope this kid doesn't grow up to be a pilot or something. 

Categories: Ftw

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