
Girl Sits on Porch Swing and Takes the House Down

I’m going to go ahead and guess that they didn’t properly secure that thing.

Dads can get into a certain DIY spirit that convinces them they’re able to do everything. Why hire a professional to fix the deck when I can do it myself? Hell, why hire an electrician? A painter? Anybody? I’m the dad — I’ve got this!

The problem is, they rarely do “have this.” The hallmarks of a dad job include 1) lots of swearing while it happens; 2) lectures about how “a poor man blames his tools” before proceeding to blame his tools; and, of course, 3) a shitty final product that took more money and time than just hiring a professional.

Even when they get it right, it can be a countdown until things go south — as these girls learned upon trying to sit on the swing installed on their porch.

Categories: Ouch Fail> Faceplant

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