
Girl in Hot Tub Stream Quietly Throws Up, Tells No One, Then Tries to Hide It

There’s a big secret when it comes to making good content. That secret is, unfortunately, alcohol.

Watch any reality show and you’ll see that the contestants, no matter the time of day, are sipping out of opaque cups filled with a mysterious liquid. That liquid, it turns out, is booze, and the arguments that result from drinking said liquid makes for incredible fodder for a Netflix-obsessed, short-attention-span audience.

But with an edited program like a reality show, executives can decide to cut around things like people throwing up. Live streamers aren’t afforded the same privilege, and sometimes, what went down comes back up — in front of thousands of viewers.

This woman appeared to have spilled her guts on stream, and then spent the next two minutes vehemently denying it. It’s a bold approach, but it didn’t really work out. We all saw it!

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