
Girl Accuses Cop Of Sexual Assault, Police Chief Releases Bodycam Footage

An officer's name is cleared after recently released video shows a belligerent 18 year-old girl was lying about the incident. Burlington is a city in northwestern Vermont, on the eastern shore of Lake Champlain, south of the Canadian border.

The video was released after Huysman made allegations of sexual assault and police brutality against the officers involved in the incident.

Officers found three teen girls unresponsive in a running car in the parking lot. When confronted, Logan Huysman became argumentative and combative with officers. Police said they found alcohol, marijuana and a bong in the car.

The video was released after Huysman made allegations of sexual assault and police brutality against the officers involved in the incident.

Police said Huysman did cartwheels, stood on a trash can and removed the bong from the officer's custody while she was being questioned.


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