
Ghislaine Maxwell Tells TV Interviewer She Thinks Epstein Was Murdered

In yet another instance of water making headlines for *gasps* being wet, convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell seemingly confirmed a conspiracy theory so widespread our editorial team had to question whether we could (or should) even call it a conspiracy: Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself.

Earlier this week, Maxwell got candid about the widely-questioned death of the disgraced financier, revealing that contrary to popular misconception, she too has her doubts surrounding Epstein’s real cause of death, who is said to have died by suicide in August 2019 weeks after he was arrested on charges of federal sex trafficking.

"I believe that he was murdered," Maxwell, who is currently incarcerated in a Tallahassee, Fla., prison, stated during her recent appearance on Britain’s Talk TV. "I was shocked. Then I wondered how it had happened."
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