
Get-Rich-Quick Grifter Becomes Homeless For Three Hours, Concludes It's a Choice

Typically when get-rich-quick influencers make videos explaining their schemes, they do so sitting in a massive house, in an expensive car, or in some kind of luxury resort. Not sitting on the side of the road, giving homelessness a try.

But Mandy On Earth isn't like other grindset TikTokers. That's because there is no "scheme," it's all about believing in yourself. And nothing manifests good fortune like claiming that... homelessness is a choice?

"She came to the conclusion of it being a choice because she chose it?" @YochananDov asked. "Nobody except her would CHOOSE to be homeless."

She goes on to call it an "experience" that everyone should try, instead of realizing that she has the luxury of ending it whenever she pleases. 

"Isn’t 'being homeless for 3 hours' just going outside for 3 hours?" @Walroose64 asked. 

For someone who believes that wealth just comes to those who really believe in it, Mandy really does plug her self-help courses. 


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