
‘Get Out of My Face’: Bouncer Shoves Annoying IRL Streamer to the Ground

The last thing you want to hear a bouncer say is, "Get the ---- out of my face." 

Typically, what happens afterward, is one person ends up on the ground, and the other person receives a goldstar from their employer. 

Bouncers are a protected people. This means you don't touch them and if they touch you, well, you probably deserve it. 

One IRL streamer learned this lesson the hard way while jawing at a bouncer in Los Angeles in the middle of the day. The bouncer clearly wasn't going to indulge this little ---- any longer than he had to, and after a stern warning, gave this shirtless Twitch wannabe a hard push in the chest, sending him on his a-- and his head into the pavement. 

Lessons, some are easier to learn than others. 


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