
German Island Announces It Will No Longer Hit Women on the Butt with Cow Horns

Hey, good for them.

The German island of Borkum (yes, it’s a real place) recently announced that its famous Klaasohm festival will no longer feature an event where women are chased, captured, and beaten on the buttocks with a cow horn.

I don’t know, man. It’s Europe.

The festival has been controversial for a while now, but only recently did public broadcaster NDR put the island’s woman beating on full display. As a result, they rightfully made the decision to, you know, stop beating women.

And before you say, “Sounds like this was all just a bit of fun!” Well, maybe in some cases, but apparently the festival had gotten pretty out of hand. Per DW, local women report being terrorized by the experience, with some saying they felt lingering pains that lasted for days.

Social media and filming are largely discouraged, so clips of this happening are few and far between, but if you want to see what this spanking looks like (and the festival in general), some of it is featured in this news clip.  


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