
George Carlin Jokes That Pro Lifers Are Full of Sh*t

Does it feel like society is moving backward? Do you get the feeling that in 20-years we'll be watering our crops with Gatorade? Does it seem like people have gotten dumber and dumber with each passing day?

If you said yes, then you are correct. Conversely, if you said no, you'd also be correct. We aren't any dumber today than we were 20 years ago. There are just more of us.

Here we have one of the best comics to ever get on stage, telling us like it is. George Carlin might sound like a "little woke snowflake" to your modern ears, but that's not his fault, it's yours. There used to be a place in pop culture for working-class people and working-class opinions. Sadly, that is no longer the case. So if you're a woman or someone who likes sleeping with women, do yourself a favor a brush up on one of the realest sets ever written.
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