
Americans In Disbelief after Learning Australians Don't Share Their Bowls

It took me way too long to realize what was happening in an 11-second video. Gen Z is the absolute worst.

In a recent viral video, Australian TikTokker miaduncanxx was shocked to find out that "Americans don't sink their cones, they just pass around a half smoked billy at the rage." To which everyone in the world responded, "What?"

Comments began rolling in, asking what the f*ck this girl was actually talking about. "I had a stroke trying to understand", said one commenter. "I couldn't even understand the sound playing", remarked another.

Thank god for TikTokker Henry J who stitched the video and was just as clueless as the rest of us. After minutes and minutes of painful comment diving, I found out that Australians say "Sinking cones" instead of "Finishing a bowl." I stand by my original statement. You're an American Hero Henry J. Thank you for your service.

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