
'Unauthorized Avenger': Bootleg Endgame DVD Features Iconic Characters from Across Pop Culture

In a world where fan fiction and crossovers are becoming increasingly popular, a gas station version of 'Avengers: Endgame' has surfaced, featuring characters from multiple famous franchises. This bootleg shows the Avengers teaming up with iconic characters from 'DC', 'Lord of the Rings', 'The Bourne Identity', 'Ready Player One', and 'Avatar', in the final battle against Thanos. While this isn't exactly what Twitter poster, @RedLightning420 had in mind when he bought the DVD, not everyone in the comments was upset with the idea of watching every major franchise come to together in an already over-saturated battle to end all battles.

"What're the DC guys doing here?," one commenter added. "I'm only buying DVDs from the gas station now, another interjected. You don't have to be a hardcore MCU fan to appreciate the insanity of this bootleg and it's probably better if you aren't anyways.

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