
Garfunkel and Oates Play Who Said It — Kanye or Hitler?

Long before “Poopy-di scoop” lyricist Kanye West gushed over his weird schoolgirl crush on Nazi leader Adolf Hitler while chatting with homosexual amphibian enthusiast Alex Jones this week, it seems the artist has long had quite a bit in common with the murderous dictator.

Alongside their apparent hatred for Jewish people, it seems West and Hitler share yet another common pastime — rambling like absolute f**king lunatics, a factoid first elucidated by comedy duo Garfunkel and Oates in a recently unearthed clip from 2009.

“We have a list of quotes and half of them were said by Kanye West and half of them were said by Hilter, and you have to guess who said which quote,” explained actress Riki Lindhome, a.k.a. The “Garfunkel” in Garfunkel and Oates in a since-resurfaced performance video.

“It’s not that easy of a game,” she quipped.

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