
Furries Confirmed Kendrick Supporters After "Not Like Us" Slays At Furry Convention

What goes on at a Furry convention? Drake slander, I guess. This past weekend saw Anthrocon come to Pittsburgh. This is an annual convention for Furries, allowing those who like to dress as animals to gather, share art, discuss popular culture, and… you know…fuck, over the course of 4 days.

One day, the convention held a dance—and yes, I know it smell crazy in there. During the dance, DJ Woozie opted to play “Not Like Us,” the popular Drake diss from Kendrick Lamar. As it turns out, Furries have taken a firm stance in this beef, siding with Kendrick by calling Drizzy a “certified pedophile.” DJ Woozie captured the moment and later shared it to X/Twitter for our entertainment and confusion.


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