
Furries Beat the Crap Out of Man Filming Them on the Beach

If furries want one thing, it's for everyone to just leave them alone and let them be their animal dressing selves. Unfortunately for them, it's hard for some people to imagine what drives them to dress as they do, and thus one man decided to film some on the beach. Wrong decision. 

After invading ‘Furmeet’ on California's Sunset Beach with a phone, the man faced the full wrath of a pirate furry who whacked him in the side of the head with a megaphone. 

"This is what furries do to you man!" he screamed. 

For once, the internet sided with the furries. "They knocked the man out of that guy," @D_R_Hamilton commented. 

As more people arrived on the scene, the attacking furry was subdued, while his visibly distressed and similarly dressed friend checked on the downed man.

"There’s just way too much to unpack here," @Madwiley joked. 

While many viewers debated whether physical violence was justified to stop the unwanted filming, others just couldn't believe that anyone would wear black mascot costumes on a beach. 

"It’s 100 degrees outside," @KinoQueenO said. "Tell me how!"


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