
‘Fuck Bud Light!’: Kid Rock Unloads on Four 30-Racks of Beer

MAGA-boy, Detroit native, and Sheryl Crow collaborator, Kid Rock was close to tears in a new video he posted to his social media.

The country-rap musician was so triggered by Bud Light (a beer which he's been documented drinking in the past) and their partnership with trans activist Dylan Mulvaney, that he spent money on a few 30-racks of the light beer. He then broke out his biggest baddest automatic weapon, gave a hearty "fuck you" to the brewery, and began shooting.

The jokes write themselves here. I just can't think of another person in this world who I genuinely liked circa "Bawitdaba," who then completely changed and made me hate him entirely. Enjoy the softest video you'll ever see.

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