
Fruit Roll-Up Blowjobs Are TikTok's Latest Sex Trend

Move over, grapefruit lady – after years of shoving sliced grapefruits around our S.O.’s dicks, a new era has emerged in the world of the internet’s most cursed oral fixations: Fruit Roll-Up blow jobs.

A long-running staple of internet sex lore — “we attempted a blowjob with a wonderful, fruity, sticky, wrapping,” read a r/Sex entry on the practice dating back to February 2013 –

the concept of using fruit snacks as an ineffective – but absolutely delicious – DIY dental dam recently re-emerged as TikTok’s latest viral obsession.

Earlier this week, BuzzFeed alum Kelsey Darragh took to her platform of 736.3k followers to spread the good word about the sticky joys of giving Fruit Roll-Up BJs, an explanation that garnered upwards of 1.7 million views.

“Ya’ll ever taken a Fruit Roll-Up and put it around a hmmm and given it a mm hmm?,” she commenced the clip using the platform’s signature algospeak. “Because I did that last week and it was the most fun mm hmm I’ve ever given.”

But Darragh wasn’t the only one having all the fun – it seems her partner was definitely down for another round … or 72 more rounds, to be exact.

“And then tell me why this just showed up on my doorstep from the guy that I gave them mm hmmm too,” she continued, whipping out a 72-pack of the fruity snack. “72 fruit roll-ups!”

Though we here at eBaum’s World cannot personally vouch for the fun of Fruit Roll-Up BJs, one thing is for certain – to paraphrase @ohh_snap_90 “THAAATS how gushers are made.”

Categories: Facepalm

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