
French People Casually Sipping Wine While Fires Burn All Around Them

France is in the midst of fierce protests following president Emmanuel Macron’s decision to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Angry not only with the policy but with Macron's decision to temporarily ban demonstrations and push them forward without a vote in the National Assembly, the French have turned to extreme measures. After all, they have always been better at protesting than we are.

But Paris is the city of love, no matter if its trash fires are burning brighter than the hearts of its star-crossed beloveds. While Macron's approval rating is just 23%, the French still love their food and wine more than they hate him and will enjoy it regardless of what the new retirement age winds up being. The French are not just better than we are at protesting, they're better at kicking their feet up and relaxing in between rounds of rioting.


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