
Frat Plays ‘Kiss or Slap’ with Random Women. Every Single One Chooses ‘Slap’

I’m sure they hoped for at least one “kiss.”

TikTok is full of some of the most toxic and bizarre trends that can be found on the internet. Open up the app, and you’re more than likely going to find couples putting their relationships through meaningless challenges as though such a thing will determine their compatibility, or a random dude with a microphone waiting outside of a bar for a drunk woman to say something stupid.

One of the trends to emerge in the past few years is “kiss or slap.” It’s exactly as it sounds: You approach someone and ask if they’d like a kiss or the ability to slap you. In the case of these women, they’re going for “slap” 100 percent of the time.

Categories: Ouch People & Lifestyle

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