
Former U.S. Goalie Hope Solo Yanked from Car during DWI Arrest

Bodycam footage has just been released of an arrest that took place back in March of this year. At the time, police had approached a vehicle with Hope Solo asleep in the driver's seat.

Solo, a former U.S. women's soccer goaltender, was incoherent and the officer said that he smelled alcohol on her. The vehicle was running, and she also had two children in the back seat. After officers asked her to step out of the vehicle, Solo got yanked from her seat.

The altercation led to Solo being arrested on charges of DWI, resisting an officer, and misdemeanor child abuse. Since then the World Cup Champion and two-time gold medalist, has received treatment for her alcohol problems.

In a heartfelt Instagram post she stated, "The upside of making a mistake this big is that hard lessons are learned quickly."

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