
Former Inmate Describes Prison Gangs, Running Drugs, and Respect Behind Bars

What's it like in prison?

As much as the vast majority of us would rather never find out first hand, it's a question our morbid curiosities can't help but ponder. Do we have what it takes to survive in such a cutthroat environment?

The comedian and ex-inmate Johnny Mitchell talks about his time behind bars on his TikTok page, and has videos on everything from gangs, to money laundering techniques. From the sound of it, he was a bit better at being in prison than you would be.

"You need to make a movie!" one viewer commented. "So interesting!"

His stories become increasingly tense as he is forced to choose between his safety, and joining a neo-nazi gang. 

"Is it just impossible to keep to yourself in prison?" another viewer asked. From the sounds of it, it does seem hard.

Would you survive?

Categories: Wow Cool Stuff Facts

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