
Forget Actors and Writers, Stunt Workers Do Striking the Best

With the writers' and actors' strikes ongoing, it's important to remember that there is a third subgroup also on the picket line: stunt workers. And with all the tools of the trade at their disposal, nobody does striking like the stunt men. 

The SAG-AFTRA union also includes stunt men and women, and in order to show their solidarity with the cause, they held a rally on Monday in Fayetteville, Georgia, per Atlanta News First

“We should share in the successes of our employer when their product goes and they make billions with a ‘B,'" SAG-AFTRA local president Eric Goins said. 

As part of the rally, a stunt performer named Mike Massa set himself on fire. Massa was Harrison Ford's stunt double in the recent Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny blockbuster. 

"Dedicated," @littlemsmaddy commented. "The industry couldn’t survive without stunt actors."

Unfortunately, until a fire is lit underneath the butts of the studio bosses, SAG-AFTRA will have to keep striking. 

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