
'This Is An Extinction-Level Event': Footage From the Delta Doo-Doo Disaster

I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. 

A Barcelona-bound Delta flight was forced to return to Atlanta last Friday night after a passenger had diarrhea throughout the cabin. The “biohazard issue," as the pilot called it, happened relatively soon after take-off. 

Can you imagine anything funnier than the worst people you know on a late summer trip to Barcelona only for them to turn around because someone's entire bowels fell out onto the floor? 

When the news broke last night it was funny. When I saw this video come across my screen it was funny. But after I watched it five times it was no longer funny. This person needs to see a doctor. This is an extinction-level event and quite frankly, it's shocking this plane wasn't put under quarantine. How that slipped through the cracks we'll never know. 

But what we do know is Shits On a Plane is coming to a theater near you and down the aisle. 

Categories: Wtf Facepalm

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