
Food Fight Breaks Out after Karen and Her Rowdy Table Neighbors Fight over Who’s Worse

When this Karen snapped at her obnoxiously loud restaurant party neighbors, she did so by throwing a drink at their table and inciting a food fight to determine who in that restaurant really sucked the most. 

"Food fights are always the way to go," @AlexCSHAman commented on Twitter.

As quickly as the Karen threw her water, the opposite table volleyed back with a plate of food. Impressively, the woman was able to dodge it, matrix style. 

"I didn’t know being a Karen gives you super powers," @BigKennyGaming joked. 

Why resort to solutions like asking them to be quiet, asking to be moved, or even just leaving when you can incite a food fight that the poor restaurant staff has to clean up? It's straight out of the Karen handbook 101. 

Although everyone in that restaurant definitely sucked, we have to say that the Karen sucked more. 

"I’m sure they were loud," @froydinger wrote, "but the second you throw a drink you lose that argument."


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