
Flight Attendant Loses It While Wearing a Little Green Elf Hat

If you want to be taken seriously, take the hat off.

Flying today looks pretty different than it did a few decades ago. While flights of the past used to be luxurious, high-end experiences, nowadays, you’re basically treated like cattle being loaded up for slaughter.

And, in fairness to airlines, we haven’t really shown that we don’t deserve that sort of treatment. People get pretty unhinged in the air, from screaming and crying to losing their shit on anyone and everyone who will listen.

Now, a flight attendant has had enough, and she’s letting passengers have it. After a bit of casual racism, she tells them to “zip it, lock it, and put it in [their] pocket,” which I’m pretty sure is British for “shut the fuck up.” From there, her explosion only continues.

Categories: Wtf People & Lifestyle

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