
Flat Earther Goes to Antarctica, Begrudgingly Admit That There’s 24 Hours of Sunlight

Good, now follow that thought to its logical conclusion.

Right now, there’s an experiment going on to try to prove that the world is round. No, not all the proof we already have of that fact — instead, this experiment involves rounding up a bunch of flat earthers, taking them to Antarctica, then (hopefully) having them realize the error of their ways.

The experiment, fittingly called “The Final Experiment,” has already had a few successes. Most notably, one of the flat earthers has realized that Antarctica has 24-hour days at this time of year, which would make the whole “earth is flat and the sun rotates around it” thing a little bit difficult to believe.

Will this convince anyone? Probably not, as if you think the Earth is flat, you probably have some other stuff going on mentally. Still, it’s pretty fun to watch!


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