
Five Grown Men Try to Dent the Cybertruck With the Weakest Kicks You'll Ever See

There's been a lot of talk about the Cybertruck. Some people say it's a "death trap" for those inside and out, some think it's cool, some think it's dumb, but regardless of what camp you fall into, we can all agree that Elon has surely "done it again" (whatever that means). 

In a video uploaded to YouTube by carwow titled, "Why I'm Buying the Cybertruck" host Mat and four of his friends try their best to "destroy" the Cybertruck. This includes the five of them kicking the truck with the force of four over-sized toddlers. 

A short clip from the full YouTube upload went viral on Twitter with people dunking on the ferocity of their kids, likening them to "drunk country club bros" and others calling the attempted demolition a "Tim and Eric sketch."

While it is cool that the Cybertruck is bulletproof (except for its windows) these dudes can kick this car until the cows come home and they still won't be any closer to denting its reenforced doors. 


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