
Fitness Influencer Angry That Someone Dare Walk in Front of Her Selfie Shot

The fitness influencer LISSETTE posted this video describing her experience at a new gym. In her video, she states that she "Started a new gym today only to find out people don't have gym etiquette."

The etiquette in question involves somebody walking in between her, and the camera set up she's been using to film her 15 minute "leg stretch session." She expresses displeasure in people choosing to walk near her, while there is plenty of other space. This video is one of many controversial posts involving people filming at the gym. Following the video, LISSETTE received significant backlash, and eventually deleted her post. "Did she ask permission to record everyone in the background?" one redditor comments.

While many people need to understand that filming in the gym can be disruptive, the rest of us need to be mindful that our backlash does not turn into harassment.
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