
Security Footage Of The Nashville Car Bombing, and Aftermath has Been Released

An RV parked on 2nd Avenue in downtown Nashville exploded very early on Christmas morning. The vehicle played a loud audio messaged through a loudspeaker that warned anyone in the area to evacuate as the vehicle would explode. A 15-minute countdown timer also played during the message before the vehicle finally did explode.

The explosion caused widespread communications outages that took down police emergency systems and grounded holiday travel at the city’s airport. Police are asking anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers at 615-742-7463 or online via

Here is footage of some of the aftermath after the explosion:

Here is NEST video footage from inside a condo near the explosion site:

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This is the RV that exploded on 2nd Ave N. It arrived on 2nd Ave at 1:22 a.m. Authorities are asking anyone who has information about the vehicle to contact Crime Stoppers at 615-742-7463 or online via

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