'First Drink vs Last Drink' Is the Perfect Way to (Not) Remember Your Wedding

Can we all agree that wedding videos are boring? Who actually watches a 20-minute montage beefed up with shots of flowers and people in tuxedoes standing in fields and hugging under trees? We know you don't.

Which is where 'first drink vs last drink' comes in. This might be the best format for a wedding video we've ever seen. The basis is simple, you film your guests before they've had their first drink of the night and then again later while having their last drink. Not only do you get to see your loved one looking dapper, but you can remember them by how much fun they had during your big day.

The chance that you'd watch this video again over the years is significantly higher than if you paid for an overly expensive traditional wedding video. We don't know about you, but we wish we had thought up this one ourselves.

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