
'Finally a Decent Camera Man in a Tornado': Guy in the Middle of Georgia Twister Fearlessly Films From Front Porch

Last week, tornados whipped across the Georgia coastline, uprooting trees, destroying property, and leaving thousands of people without power. But as the National Weather Service issued multiple tornado warnings, plenty of residents figured out what midwesterners have known for years; the best place to go during a tornado is your front porch

One man near what commenters claim is the Black Creek golf course outside Savannah, filmed a tornado standing on one such front porch.

"There goes the roof," he says calmly with debris whipping around him at critically dangerous speeds. 

"Finally, a decent cameraman in a tornado," rayfetzer joked. 

The video appears to be filmed from a building next to the golf course, and the man also has clips of the golf course itself, and of the storm's aftermath. Both are extraordinarily severe. 

Thankfully Georgia residents, and this cameraman, managed to stay safe this time. 

As Askyourmom joked, "So the porch is the place to be in a tornado." 

Categories: Wtf Wow Animals & Nature

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