
Farmer Finds Geese Blackout Wasted on Fermented Cherries

A farmer woke up one morning to find his flock of geese drunker than a retired detective with one last case to solve after they got into a batch of fermented cherries.

Doing some digging, birds getting drunk on fermented fruit is actually more common than you might think. Apparently, alcohol forms inside the fruit as the first frost of the year rolls in, making them kind of like vodka-soaked gummy bears for unsuspecting birds. According to veterinary anecdotes, it's pretty standard for many birds to find themselves under their care after "flying under the influence" once the seasons start to turn.

Thankfully, all of the geese here in the video are earthbound, rolling around in the dirt like a bunch of drunk teenagers. Reading through literature related to... birds getting drunk... it appears that the only real way to "treat" over-intoxicated avians is the same for humans: keep them somewhere they won't get into trouble and have them sleep it off.

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