
Proof Being a DJ is a Fake Skill That Requires Zero Real Talent

DJs aren't at the top of the musical food chain, but at least most of them try their best to put on a good show; unlike what's happening here.

This fake DJ isn't even pressing any buttons, as she dances around to a pre-recorded track. She repeatedly presses the hard edges of the soundboard as if they have a function, and turns random disconnected dials here and there to no effect. It is clear that this woman has no intention of making it look like she's really influencing the sound coming out of the speakers.

Despite removing any live aspect and skill from this "performance," the beat drop still manages to be absolutely abysmal. If you're going to perform a fake a set, at least make it a good one. As one comment says, "She didn't even know when it was going to drop."


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