
Ezra Miller Rubbing a Reporter During 2018 Harry Potter Press Tour

During the press tour for the 2018 film 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald', Ezra Miller, who was recently arrested in Hawaii, make his host uncomfortable with his excessive rubbing. You can see that a few of Ezra's castmates are uncomfortable with the behavior. At one point Joe Kravtiz asks if everyone should, "leave them alone", to which Josh Horowitz of MTV responds, "Oh please don't."

And in light of Ezra's recent behavior, videos like this boiling back up are sure to garner attention. Last week Warner Brothers released a statement saying all future projects with the star of 'The Flash' were being put on hold. It's funny though, how videos like this are out there and no one at Warner Brothers thought to ask themselves, maybe this isn't the person we want to make the face of a potentially billion-dollar franchise. But we are glad to see people reaping what they sow, we're big fans of that.
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