
Ezra Miller Has Been Arrested For a 3rd Time and We Have the Footage

If you live in Hawaii it's not a question of if you'll be assaulted by Ezra Miller, but when. Ezra Miller has been causing some serious problems in Hawaii these past few months. The DC star (The Flash) has been arrested three times now. Once for attacking a couple, one for throwing a chair at a woman, and most recently for spitting in a man's face. So while people are usually fearful of being eaten by a shark while visiting the islands, tourists and Hawaiian residents alike have a new enemy to be fearful of, and that's Miller.

But unlike their other arrests, this time we have footage of the moment police took them into handcuffs.

Needless to say, Ezra is a grade A a**hole and should be dropped into the nearest active volcano. Not because we have a thirst for blood, but because it's the safest thing to do.

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