Eye Doctor Gets Sucker Punched in the Middle of an Exam
This is for that “shoot air into your eye” test!
Most people don’t like going to the doctor, no matter which kind of doctor it is. In the U.S., this is largely because they’re expensive and often useless — you go to the doctor with a problem, they tell you everything else that’s wrong with you, then you leave feeling no better and with a bill for several hundred dollars. The system works!
Still, most people are able to contain their disdain for the medical professional and keep that anger to themselves.
Not this guy. For some reason, a random dude walked into an optometrist’s office, punched the man in the head, then left — with no one in the office having any idea who he was or why he did it.
I get not liking the doctor, but can’t you just leave a Yelp review?