
Glitter Bomb 4.0 Brings the Same Package-Thief Ownage we all Love

Mark Rober is a creative mad genius. He's a youtube content creator, and engineer, and mischievous prankster. For the past 4 or so years, he's been getting creative around the holidays to fight off package thieves and porch pirates with his homemade glitter bombs.

Unsuspecting thieves out looking for a holiday score get an unpleasant surprise when the package they believe to be a must-have electronic item, covers them and their surroundings in the impossible to clean and highly annoying material we know as glitter.

Check out the other versions of the glitter bombs from previous years at the bottom of the post.

Glitter Bomb 1.0

Glitter Bomb 2.0

Glitter Bomb 3.0

Glitter Bomb vs Scammer Call Center

Categories: Ftw Wow Funny> Pranks

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