
This is What It’s Like to Experience a Nuclear Blast Through VR

I'm sure many people have wondered what it's like to experience a nuclear bomb. It is the most sadistic of fantasies, as we all know conceptually that we could never survive, but somehow it is hard to accept this fact. Barring a direct hit, even the most nasty of normal bombs could conceivably get dodged through bomb shelters or the right cover. But in a nuclear bomb, the very atoms around us are disintegrating themselves at a level we can't even see. The destruction is a confirmation of the breakdown of the very laws of basic physics we take for granted to exist in corporeal form.

But through VR we can come closer to imagining what the experience might be like. Granted, after a few seconds into the video our experience outside of VR would end, but watching the destruction inside of it lets us get all the way to the mushroom cloud. Perhaps experiences like these can help remind the world that such destructive power should never be wielded.

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