
Ex-Corrections Officer Talks About Life Inside Rikers Island

Rikers Island houses roughly 5,000 detainees between its nine jails, most of whom are waiting trials for crimes like murder, rape and domestic violence. The island has become notoriously unsafe for both inmates and officers as violence is common place among the rival gangs housed in the prison.

Seven years ago the Department of Corrections issued a consent decree against the jail for prolonged disfunction and a "persistent culture of violence." Since then, not much has happened to improve the quality of life for either inmate or officer.

The point of "correction" is too improve the lives of people sentenced for violent crimes, and to provide justice to those have suffered them. It's safe to say none of this is happening on Rikers Island, where inmates are killed, staff is attacked and repeat offenders are doomed to circle in and out of this plainly flawed revolving door a justice system that has been both unaccountable and dangerous.

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