
European Castles VS Similarly Priced Canadian Real Estate

The Canadian real estate TikToker MillennialMoron makes videos about the state of the Canadian housing market, and no he isn't always stereotypically nice about it. 

In his 'Canada vs Castles' series, he compares the prices of Canadian properties to similarly priced European castles, and the results are staggering. Why buy a picturesque fortress in the European countryside when you can buy a rundown shack in the Toronto slums?

"As you can see, it has some fun murals on the walls," MM says in reference to graffiti. 

Surprisingly, the small house does seem capable of housing a family, although not much more. In contrast, a for-sale Scottish castle has 40 rooms, 20 bedrooms, and five acres of land. Hmm, I wonder which I'd take?

For 2.8 million Canadian dollars the house could be yours, but you'll have to chalk up a few extra grand for the castle. 

"Yeah the castle is nice but is it worth that extra 2340$?" Majestic Dre joked. 

"2.8 mil for THAT?" daisychain asked. "Is Canada ok?"


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