‘Energy Illustrators’ Say the Moon Landing Is Fake and Bitcoin Isn’t Going Down

All of life’s questions, answered by scribbles.

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 month ago in Facepalm

All of life’s questions, answered by scribbles.

Welcome to the world of energy illustration, remote viewing, intuitive reading, energy reading — okay, so there’s about a million different names for this, but they all refer to the same idea.

It works like this: An energy reader is given a prompt, and then their pen begins to manifest the energy of that prompt. From there, they analyze the drawing to attempt to read the energy that was channeled through them.

If you’re thinking, “That just sounds like someone thinking of a word and then scribbling,” congratulations, you’ve figured out the grift. But hey, some people are really into this — and if it helps predict the price of Bitcoin, who am I to judge?

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