
Elon Musk Bites His Tongue after Dave Chappelle Crowd Loudly Boos Him

Last night while performing to a sold-out show at the Chase Center in San Francisco, Dave Chapelle brought out 'the world's richest man' and the two of them were showered in boos.

Chappelle waited until the end of his show to bring out the new Twitter CEO, in a city where Twitter is headquartered, and seemingly to his surprise, the audience was not on his side. The thundering boos were drowned out by horn noises played by the stadium's sound team, and Dave tried to ease the tension by cracking a few jokes. "Those boos aren't coming from the good seats," Chappelle joked.

Musk stood there on stage for a total of four minutes while Dave tried to salvage the stunt before he ultimately screamed into the mic, "I'm rich, bitch."

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